
I’m Anne-Aafke.
In one-on-one sessions
I support your alignment
with well-being.

My background is in performing arts: producing, directing and performing. After having initial success on stage at age 22, I felt stuck. While occupied with succeeding in the eyes of the audience, I lost connection with myself.

After living a year in solitude in France, I regained connection and began hosting sessions from my van; guiding others to release inner blockages, creating space from where things can organically flow again.

I’ve been having these in-depth interactions with people since 2012, in both private- and corporate settings, including with the International Red Cross.

I’ve lived in various parts of the world like India, France, California and the Netherlands; always having alignment with well-being at the forefront of my adventures. Being in your element, I feel, is key to creating a new Earth together. And like everyone – I do too – mess up all the time.

I’m the founder of Vrij-Spel (free play), a laboratory for professional performing artists in Amsterdam. Currently I enjoy tootling around in the UK with my van and a notebook.

 “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.
To front only the essential facts of life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived” − Henry David Thoreau

 “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.
To front only the essential facts of life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived”
− Henry David Thoreau